This unit describes the competencies required to coordinate conflict resolution and management. It involves identifying target group, establishing conflict causes, developing conflict resolution measures, monitoring conflict resolution process, managing community conflicts and documenting conflict resolution and management activities. 


  1. Identify target group
  2. Establish conflict causes
  3. Develop conflict resolution measures
  4. Monitoring conflict resolution process
  5. Manage community conflicts
  6. Document conflict resolution and management activities.

This unit describes the competencies required to carry out advocacy and lobbying activities. It involves identifying target groups, carrying out problem analysis, assessing advocacy resources, gathering advocacy resources, preparing advocacy campaign plan, building advocacy partnerships, carrying out advocacy and lobbying activities and undertaking advocacy and lobbying follow up. It also includes documenting advocacy and lobbying activities.

By the end of this unit the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify target groups
  2. Carry out problem analysis
  3. Assess advocacy resources
  4. Gather advocacy resources
  5. Prepare advocacy campaign plan
  6. Build advocacy partnerships
  7. Carry out advocacy and lobbying activities
  8. Undertake advocacy and lobbying follow up

This unit cover the competencies required to carry out child welfare programmes. It involves identifying child welfare problem, assessing child welfare problem, creating child welfare networks, developing child protection; prevention and response plan, conducting home assessment and carrying out child problem remedy. It also includes undertaking follow up activities and documenting child welfare programs

BY the end of this unit the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify child welfare problem
  2. Assess child welfare problem
  3. Create child welfare networks
  4. Develop child protection prevention and response plan
  5. Conduct home assessment 
  6. Carry out child problem remedy

This unit describes the competencies required to manage community-based groups. It involves identifying target group, mobilizing target group, planning group meeting, organizing group leadership, developing group objectives, planning group activities, carrying out capacity assessment and carrying out group activities. It also entails monitoring, evaluating and documenting group activities.

By the end of this unit the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify target group
  2. Mobilize target group
  3. Plan group meetings
  4. Organize group leadership
  5. Develop group objectives
  6. Plan group activities
  7.  Carry out Capacity assessment


Project design and evaluation are critical phases in the lifecycle of a project, ensuring its alignment with objectives and its successful completion. The project design phase involves defining the project's goals, scope, resources, timeline, and deliverables. It begins with identifying the needs and problems the project aims to address, followed by brainstorming potential solutions. This phase includes detailed planning and documentation, which typically results in the creation of project charters, work breakdown structures, schedules, budgets, and risk management plans. Effective project design requires collaboration among stakeholders to ensure that all perspectives are considered and that the plan is both comprehensive and feasible.

Evaluation, on the other hand, focuses on assessing the project's progress and outcomes against the initial objectives and criteria established during the design phase. It involves both formative evaluation, which occurs during the project to provide ongoing feedback and make necessary adjustments, and summative evaluation, which takes place after the project's completion to determine its overall success and impact. Evaluation methods may include qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis of performance metrics, stakeholder feedback, and comparison of actual results with expected outcomes. This phase is crucial for identifying lessons learned, best practices, and areas for improvement, thereby contributing to the continuous improvement of future projects.